China exhibits its aerial power with modern drones and war planes

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Pekín, China. China exhibe su poderío aéreo con modernos drones y aviones de guerra China exhibe su poderío aéreo con modernos drones y aviones de guerra

In the midst of a growing arms race in the Asia-Pacific region, China offered on Tuesday a demonstration of strength of its aerial power, with sophisticated surveillance drones and airplanes capable of interfering in hostile electronic systems.At the country's main aerial equipment fair, in the coastal city of Zhuhai (south), the Asian giant presented the prototype of its new CH-6 surveillance drone, capable of loading missiles and launching air attacks, according to the intelligence agencyJanes.

He also showed his great altitude drone WZ-7, conceived for border recognition and maritime patrol, and the J-16D plane, which can block electronic equipment.According to state media, these two devices are already being used by China's armed forces.This demonstration occurs in the middle of a good range of territorial disputes of the Asian giant, from Taiwan to the South China Sea through the border with India in the Himalayas, and a growing rivalry with the United States.

China exhibe su poderío aéreo con modernos drones y aviones de guerra

These innovations 'will have an important role in the Taiwan Strait and in the South China Sea,' said military commentator Song Zhongping A AFP.The Chinese Government set the deadline for the year 2035 to end the modernization of its army, still delayed with respect to the United States in terms of technology and investment.

See: General Milley reveals that Trump never planned to attack Chinapero the experts warn that the Asian giant is quickly closing this gap.In addition, according to the analyst Kelvin Wong, from the JANES agency, China is clearly positioned to be an alternative supplier 'of advanced drones at relatively affordable prices.On the other hand, the United States and European countries are suspicious of selling this type of technology beyond a select allies, he indicated.

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