OMICRONO Thus you can discover the hidden cameras in a room with the lenses of your mobile phone
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As mobile phones technology evolves, the espionage techniques that benefit from these advances are also perfected.Spy applications, used against politicians in Spain, and surveillance cameras that go practically unnoticed in tourist apartments.Luckily, in turn, methods are created to detect these elements that threaten personal privacy.
Researchers from the National University of Singapore and the University of Yensei have developed a system with which to detect hidden cameras, even if they are of a very small size, capable of hiding in any corner.This software has been baptized as LAPD (Laser-Assisted Photography detection).
Its main advantage is that it uses the TOF sensors that many of the mobile phones cameras that are available in the market.Simply with the smartphone and the application resulting from this research it would be possible to locate a large majority of the cameras hidden in a stay.
Cameras vs..TOF
Unlike more conventional systems to detect hidden cameras in a room, this software tells you the exact site in which it is located.Other systems record the use of wireless networks such as the WiFi signal to know that there is an object that you do not know by sending information from that room, but they do not know where it is.
To get a more precise location, this research project has resorted to the Tof sensors, which began their journey through the mobile phones market several years ago.The mechanism of these sensors is more sensitive to the cameras lenses so they would recognize them quickly.
The Tof or Time of Flight, for which they do not know, are based on infrared light beams.With this sensor the camera launches the beams forward so that they clash with the objects that are in front and return.
Then, the camera measures the time it takes for the infrared light beam to bounce and thus calculates the distance of each object, creating a 3D map of the volumes of the scene.This system is very useful, for example, for facial recognition or to separate the face from the bottom in a selfie.
How is it used?
In front of the hidden cameras lenses, the sensor beams bounce with greater intensity, betraying their presence.This is how researchers have found the way to recognize the cameras behind a frame, or in a teddy bear.
While the user travels the room pointing to each corner with the camera of his mobile, an increased reality experience appears on the screen where you can see the image of the room collected by the camera and the points where the camera indicated by aDigital point.
The software has an algorithm of Machine Learning that analyzes the intensity of the reception of light beams to determine if it is a camera.According to the study presented, the LAPD system has managed to detect 88.9% of the hidden cameras during the tests.
At the moment, it is a research study whose application is not available to the public, but to end up being public, models such as iPhone 12, iPhone 13, or the Samsung Galaxy S20+ have these sensors that could be used to reinforce thewherever you leave.
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