OMICRONO The design of the mobile OnePlus 10 Pro is official: confirms an ambitious cameras module

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OnePlus 10 Pro


The design of the OnePlus 10 Pro 5G revealed, which will be the new telephone of the Chinese company.They will have a square camera module with the Hasselblad logo.

4 enero, 202213:07
Manuel Fernández

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When there are few weeks left for the launch of a OnePlus phone, the company usually reveals the full design of its new device in Spain and in the rest of the world.It does not give official details about your hardware, but it does look at us what your design will be like.This is what OnePlus has just done with his OnePlus 10 Pro 5G, whose design has just revealed.

This has been shown on its website, reference that there are a few days left for the launch of the device.OnePlus has shown the colors in which this phone will arrive, with green and black versions.Of course, the absolute protagonist is the curious rear camera module located on a side, and which has 4 holes for the cameras and the LED flash.

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And it is that far from technical characteristics, this OnePlus 10 PRO stands out for a peculiar rear design that will undoubtedly generate divided opinions.Basic aspects of the telephone are confirmed, such as its 3 cameras combo as well as the presence, even, of the famous alert slider for notifications.


OnePlus has not officially released how the screen of this device willcurvature on the sides and especially with a camera embedded in the glass at the top, in one of the corners of the panel.

OnePlus 10 pro green

The OnePlus 10 Pro camera module reminds that of the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra since the same philosophy follows: to extend from the device frame from the side of the device.Although there are 4 holes, 3 are for camera sensors that are still unknown;The room is for a LED flash.

Just on the left side of the camera module appears the Hasselblad logo, the mythical photographic brand with which OnePlus has allied to improve the photographic section of its phones.In addition, it will not have 3.5 millimeter Jack as expected.It remains to be seen if OnePlus surprises and changes slightly the front of your device, showing another type of hole on screen, for example.

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