Reasons why your cat urinates in your bed

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Cats are very clean animals that seem to have the mania to continue continuously.In fact, they match in some aspects the most boring humans, and when they detect that something is not clean enough they take care to know.That a sandwicker is not clean can motivate the cat to moullar demanding more care.

However, it is not uncommon for cats to urinate in the bed of their owners, specifically in that of their reference human.This is a contradictory feature with its hygiene, but that can attend to several explanations or reasons.

What is a human bed for your cat?

Human beds are for cats the culmination of comfort: they are large, soft, they are usually quiet places and, most importantly, it smells like home, because it is the place that is impregnated with the aroma of reference humans.

If your cat is not usually in your room, in fact he does not even sleep with you, he will find a special attraction in the bed, so much that he will discover that it feels relaxed, because it is in an area outside the common noise of the home, with a smellNice and comfortable textures.The perfect place to urinate, if not for what?, Might think.

This fact may seem a revenge for not letting him sleep in bed, because the cats that sleep with humans feel the desire to urinate in bed is less common, since they will associate that the bed is an environment that should not stain, for its own good.

Therefore, cats that do not usually use the bed for sleep are moreand determine that it is a perfect environment to urinate because it is secure.

Motivos por los que tu gato se orina en tu cama

Read more: Check the risks and advantages of sleeping with your cat

In any case, this is not a conventional attitude, and it can have more to do with the stress of the cat.

If the root of this problem is emotional, what the cat might want to say is that he does not feel comfortable with the place where you have put the sand, or that perhaps the family dynamics have changed and although before the sandbox was in an adequate place, now it is not: it is probably in a passage zone or it could be a special time in which you have continuous visits and the cat does not feel there the intimacy it needs.

The trick to get an intimate environment in very small houses

The simplest explanation is usually the most accurate.The first thing that should be evaluated is whether your sandbox has undergone some change that displease your cat: maybe the type of earth.If not, one might determine if it is not located in the most indicated place.

Small houses, specifically, present a serious problem to place the sandbox, all corners of the house are necessary to make life in them and there are few places where to place the things of the cat.A solution that can help is to place it in the shower, and when you are not using the cat you can enter the cleaning to carry out its needs.This can be a useful solution since the bath is usually a secure environment: there is no noise, there is intimacy and the smell can be neutral.On the other hand, it will avoid having the sandstone in an area of passage of the house and will avoid odors out of cleaning.

However, this decision is of no use if you have the habit of closing the door (when it is not being used), if the cat does not feel freedom to access the toilet will not do their needs there.When you enter the toilet for a long time you must take the box from the cat at the door.

Read more: reasons why your cat maulla at night

Other ways to convince your little feline

There are smell diffusers in the market that you can install in plug -in plugcat.

They are odors that evoke the primary sensation they experienced when they were being breastfed by their mother, as they are a replica of the pheromones that secrete the cats that have given birth and that function as subconscious signs for the kittens, and inform them that everything isWell, it's a safe place.

On the other hand, turning your bed into the antithesis of what it is could be a good idea.It is not difficult to disrupt the comfort of theiteMullida, isonora, soft and comfortable.

Read more: these are the reasons why your cat loves you

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