DGT drones already fine in the special campaign for motorcycles focused on interurban areas

  • By digitalheadphonecamera

This weekend the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) has launched a special surveillance plan on the roads most frequented by motorists with a very clear objective: to reduce imprudence and monitor compliance with the rules.

To do this, it has made use of both drones and helicopters so that the number of deaths, which already stands at 145 people this year, does not continue to increase.

71% are large displacement motorcycles

Despite what some may think, the DGT does not have a special regard for some vehicles over others. However, a key factor that it uses when creating special vigilance campaigns like this one are the figures, and even more so if we take into account the time of year in which we are.

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If we attend to them, we will realize that, for example, in 2019 (the reference year that they have used excluding the pandemic), there were 36,143 accidents with victims in which motorcycles or mopeds were involved and in which 466 people died. The highest figure since 2010 and which represented an increase of 11% compared to 2018.

Los drones de la DGT ya multan en la campaña especial para motos centrada en zonas interurbanas

Another piece of information that helps to understand this surveillance is the increase in fatalities, up to 68% of the total occurred on interurban highways. And all this despite the fact that only 22% of accidents occur on this type of road. Some truly alarming data that we have to be aware of when going out to practice our hobby.

For those who think that these accidents are caused by the inexperience of the drivers, I have to tell you that you are wrong. Since, as the DGT reports reveal, 63% of those involved in fatal accidents have a class A permit and more than half of them are 20 years old or more.

In fact, the profile of drivers who have this type of accident and which amounts to 98% of the total are men, mainly between 35 and 44 years of age. It can also be seen that one in four had consumed alcohol or drugs before suffering the accident.

In addition, we know that 85% of fatal accidents occurred on conventional roads, which is why these types of roads also need special vigilance.

With compelling reasons as clear as these, the DGT launched its second specific surveillance campaign for motorcycles this weekend. For September 4 and 5, the same device is expected in which the majority of drones with surveillance cameras that they have will be used.

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