The soccer trick of a diner in 'First Dates' to last longer in bed: "You get psyched up and"

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Cuatro's dating program, 'First Dates', brought together this Wednesday Antonia Bratz, a girl who wants to be a singer, and Roberts, who is also dedicated to the world of music.

At the beginning of the date, Lidia Torrent advised Bratz to receive her suitor singing. And, said and done. Roberts freaked out a bit when he heard it and was delighted by the Nicki Minaj Bratz vibe.

Both physically like each other

The bachelor never expected a reception of this caliber nor did he expect a girl like Bratz: "I didn't expect something like that. I didn't expect it like that physically either. Nicki Minaj roll there ...".

Antonia Bratz, who defines herself as half Chilean-half Senegalese, liked Roberts at first sight: "Physically she's sexy. She's not ugly."

A diner's soccer trick in ' First Dates' to last more in bed:

At the table, Roberts acknowledged how he likes women: "I really like a woman who takes care of herself. Her feet are groomed. I'm a bit of a fetishist." Bratz liked what he said but in front of the cameras he got off the hook with "I will never suck his feet. Never."

The temperature at the table rises

The temperature of the date was rising and Roberts confessed that he likes to "work" on sexual issues. Bratz took it for granted at the time that Roberts had a good penis size because "all blacks have very big ones."

That's when Roberts snapped, "I don't know why you guys have that concept, but whether I did or not, I never talk about that kind of stuff."

Roberts' trick to last longer in bed

Noticing that Roberts didn't want to talk about sizes, Bratz confirmed that black men also last longer in bed, and he explained his trick: "A secret for all the people, that goes in the breath, you get psyched up and you think about the football game that you thought Barcelona was going to win and Madrid won, you get angry and it's already a bit maintained".

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