The WhatsApp guide to access its secret menu

  • By digitalheadphonecamera

Once in the “secret menu”, the WhatsApp system opens some very useful shortcuts to be able to perform tasks without having to open the application first. The menu offers quick access to the last three conversations in which we have interacted, the three most recent from the messaging service.

One click on conversations provides immediate access to chat. If you keep pressing on any conversation, you will create a shortcut to the conversation and place it anywhere on the desktop.

Another option available in the "secret menu" of WhatsApp is a shortcut to the camera to capture a quick image and share it in conversations. The best thing is that you can turn this function into a shortcut on the desktop of the smartphone. Widgets are added to this function to have more application services at hand.

The WhatsApp guide to access your secret menu

Finally, the WhatsApp “secret menu” allows you to stop the operations of the application with the button that looks like an hourglass and the information button works to uninstall the application or check the latest version.

If you have a problem with WhatsApp or want to report it, then you should write to their contact email: or You can also make the same request from your iPhone through the exclusive service for iOS.

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