They develop technology that alerts if politicians are looking at the cell phone in parliamentary sessions

  • By digitalheadphonecamera

El artista digital belga Dries Deporteer ha creado una Inteligencia Artificial (IA) que utiliza tecnologías como el reconocimiento facial para determinar si los políticos están mirando el móvil durante las sesiones parlamentarias.Desarrollan tecnología que alerta si los políticos están mirando el celular en las sesiones parlamentarias Desarrollan tecnología que alerta si los políticos están mirando el celular en las sesiones parlamentarias

‘The Flemish Scrollers’, as the Digital Sports Art Work is known, is a system that automatically labels the politicians of the Flanders Parliament, in Belgium, when it detects that they use the mobile phone during a meeting.

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To do this, analyze through an algorithm of the written in the popular Python programming language the video of all the sessions that the YouTube channel of the Parliament of Flanders live.

Desarrollan tecnología que alerta si los políticos están mirando el celular en las sesiones parlamentarias

In case there are no live broadcasts, previous videos of the channel are analyzed, as reported by its author through a statement.

The tool developed by Deporteer works automatically, and uses automatic learning to detect mobile phones in videos and facial recognition to identify each politician.

In the shared images about the system, a white box is shown that identifies each politician with a degree of probability, and another green that, also with a percentage, analyzes the probability that they have the mobile in the hands.

In case of detecting a distracted politic.(YO)

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