What happens when the hundreds of drones that make figures and qr in the sky fail: rain of drones

  • By digitalheadphonecamera

Para conmemorar el aniversario del centro comercial de la ciudad, se había preparado un espectáculo con unos 200 drones. Iban a formar vistosas formas en el aire para todos los asistentes.Lo que pasa cuando fallan los cientos de drones que hacen figuras y QR en el cielo: Lluvia de drones Lo que pasa cuando fallan los cientos de drones que hacen figuras y QR en el cielo: Lluvia de drones

Everything went well but after two and a half minutes, the drones began to fail and plumme.Some of the viewers were able to record videos and upload them to social networks, like this one that we left here.

While some recorded, others hid.Although there are always people trying to make benefit from this type of situations and some people decided to take the drones that had fallen to keep them.

Lo que pasa cuando fallan los cientos de drones que hacen figuras y QR en el cielo: Lluvia de drones

The organizer of the drone function has reported in this regard, saying that it has surely been the competition.Apparently, they could have created signal interference that would overload the control system of the flying units, causing them to stroll.

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It is not the first time that one of these accidents occurs, which makes us think that new technologies should be handled carefully.Although these types of situations are growing in number, the fashion of drone shows is not stopping.

Luckily, they have not declared themselves injured during this incident.The shows will continue to be carried out and popularized around the world, while thinking about how to make them safer.

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