Where and how can I use my drone?
Drones are changing operations in many areas of activity, and they will continue to do so in the future. Police, military, farmers, engineers, rescue teams, firefighters, forest rangers, surveyors... There are many who already use these devices that They cross our skies by hundreds. However, it's a good idea to know where and how you can use a drone.
In Spain, the number of drone pilots registered with the State Aviation Safety Agency (AESA) has multiplied in recent years. According to the latest data, there are around 5,000 professional operators. And the same number of devices are linked to around 3,500 companies.
An industry on the rise
In addition, the prospects for this sector are very good. According to government forecasts, in a decade there will be more than 50,000 devices professionals and the sector will move more than 1,200 million euros a year. In Europe, these figures will rise to 10,000 million euros per year and 100,000 jobs.
In addition to professional drones, there are also thousands of small devices for private use that do not have as many restrictions, but are also limited for reasons of aviation safety. In this post we are going to tell you the main points to take into account if you want to fly a drone of any kind in Spain.
The first thing is to know the law. The text that regulates the use of drones, both recreational and professional, is Royal Decree 1036/2017, of December 15. Reading it carefully is inexcusable.
The obligations of professionals
The first question that people usually have is whether a license is needed to fly a drone. It must be said that the license is mandatory as long as it is used professionally. A medical certificate is also required, certifying that the pilot does not suffer from any health problem that prevents him from handling the aircraft.
In order to make a living flying drones, it is also necessary to be registered with the AESA as an operator, to have a pilot's license and to have completed a generic or specific safety study< /b> that can be presented to the agency.
Flying in urban areas and over people is allowed for devices that do not exceed ten kilos. In addition, in the case of operating in the city, the takeoff must be carried out within sight of the pilot and more than 50 meters from buildings and people. Likewise, the take-off areas must be delimited by the competent authority.
The law also establishes that the professional drone must have an impact reduction device, which normally consists of a parachute, although there are other systems to cushion the fall.
In the case of professional drones that can be lost from sight by the pilot, the aircraft may not exceed two kilos in weight and must have means to detect other aircraft in flight. To make these flights without visual contact, the pilot or the company that hires him can also use accredited observers with specialized training who keep in permanent contact by radio.
Where can I use my recreational drone?
If the device is intended for recreational or recreational use, such as taking bird's-eye views of the landscape, a license is not required. However, and as we said before, even the amateur pilot should know the law.
After all, there are no-go areas where the dangers are great, like around airports. It must be remembered that the smallest device can cause a catastrophe if, for example, it is inserted into the turbine of an airplane.
Precisely, for recreational flights, the law prohibits the use of drones if there is an aerodrome less than eight kilometers away. Nor can you fly a household appliance within controlled airspace. In addition, the drone must always remain within the visual range of the pilot and not rise more than 120 meters from the ground.
Night flights are allowed for drones weighing less than two kilos and with a maximum height of 50 meters, although it is recommended that they be during the day and with good weather conditions. In a city or over crowds of people flights are only allowed at a maximum height of 20 meters and with drones that do not weigh more than 250 grams.
In this way, the aim is to avoid the problems that the fall of heavier devices could cause. Lastly, civil liability insurance is not mandatory for all drones, but it is recommended.
The drone sector is waiting for a regulation from the European Union that harmonizes its use throughout the continent. In the absence of details, it is known that this directive will impose the registration of each device, as well as an identification for each pilot. In any case, now all drones, including recreational ones, are required to carry an identification plate with information on the manufacturer, model, serial number, name of the operator and contact information with the same.
Fines of up to 225,000 euros
The most common complaints in the world of drones have to do with the privacy and honor of people. You can't fly over a house and take photos of its owners and post them. In addition, in case the drone falls and causes an accident, there will be damage to repair.
Sanctions for non-compliance with the law that regulates this sector (remember: Royal Decree 1036/2017) range from 60 euros, in the mildest cases, up to 225,000 euros in the most serious ones . To these amounts should be added the repair of damage caused or compensation, not to mention legal costs.
Drones have become very useful tools in many sectors of activity. They can also be of great help for lovers of photography, video or hiking. But in no case should we take it as child's play.
In Nobbot | Drones offer a new way of seeing the world and these images prove it
Images | iStock.com/Artursfoto/Golubovy/NatnanSrisuwan
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